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May 02, 2003
The blogosphere erupts over William Bennett's gambling . . . thing.
The blogosphere erupts over William Bennett's gambling . . . thing. (Sanctimony against sanctimoniousness . . . goody.)
Posted by mph at May 2, 2003 04:01 PM
I would like Mr. Bennett to donate some of his money to my non-profit organization, my club's main goal is to promote our cultures, help the children to learn it's cultures and to assist the olds to adapt to the American society. All the people in my club work very hard as a volunteer in various functions. Ee will appreciated very much if Mr. Bennett will help us out.
Posted by: John Yee at May 6, 2003 09:01 PM
Question: What does star Republican Mr. Bennett have in common with the Mr. Star, Republican bigot?
Answer: They wasted about the same amount of taxpayer's money to come up craps!
Sorry about the third-rate riddle, but $8 million is a LOT of discretionary income, even for an overpaid neocon plutocrat. Where, PRECISELY, did all that dough come from?
Posted by: Doug Smith at May 11, 2003 06:48 PM