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July 09, 2003
grab bag
Yesterday I had an individuality crisis when I finished up my morning's blogging then did some browsing and saw that I'd essentially mirrored the day's content on Tapped at The American Prospect. So today I'm not going to pretend to be a smug little pundit.
Did anybody else catch Hardball last night? I'm not a regular scanner of the cable yaps, but I tuned in for a bit last night since it was such a big news day, and I must say, Chris Matthews was all up in the Bush White House--or, rather, on the poor Republican back-bencher sent to flack on their behalf. Matthews used all the tricks: sharp interruptions, staccato repeating of charges, sarcastic hypothetical explanations, grandstanding defenses of democracy--it was beautiful! Rahm Emmanuel, batting for the D's, could just chill out and watch, knowing Matthews would give him plenty of time to make his points. For a moment I understood what conservatives must feel watching O'Reilly. I nearly swooned! Then...I felt rather ashamed. Then, I felt strong and cocky again! I cautiously tried a fist-pump...Yes! I might've even gone "Woot! Woot! Woot!" but I didn't want to wake the baby.
So, I said I was going to provide a running commentary on this season's Real World. And I have been watching, but either the cast is just very stupid or the storyline editors are really at sea. It's not that, like, I'm so mature, because I was reasonably roped in to the Vegas cast (eventually), but right now, it's stuck in neutral. Oh, sure, there's CONFLICT: How could there not be, with a bunch of spotlit American kids so stuck on gettin' respect that they don't know how to converse or compromise. But who's interesting? Adam might have been, but so far our entree to him is watching him net ladies' phone numbers with all the suave sophistication of Flounder in Animal House. Chris (C.T.) may be the most misunderstood, but he's so stuck on being an obtuse boor that we may never know. Leah and Christine are all about letting these two boys know what their problems are--and not much else. As for Simon, Mallory, and Ace, who knows? Simon hovers over the computer occasionally, Mallory and Ace are too freighted by the baggage they left at home to hook up with each other--or even live. Oh, and they're bad at their job.
Can anyone tell me what the actual name is for the radio format that isn't Classic Rock or Alternative Metal or Teen Pop or Teen Punk or Oldies or Eighties or Country; the one that, like, purports to be "alternative," but isn't actually rock, or even any fun? You know the one: They play Tori Amos, Tom Petty, Bonnie Raitt, Sarah MacghLacghlacghn, Warren Zevon, Tracy Chapman, U2, some very uptight blues, various dull-earnest alt-country acts, and a bunch of anonymous, vaguely cranky, highly literate "singer/songwriters" who've been hepped to drum machines and the paradoxes of modern life. What is that radio format? Because, frankly, I think it's the one I hate the most. If you're still wondering what bobos are, listen to said station in your area. Bunch of self-satisfied, politically correct softies wearing hemp clothes and sandals, drinking decaf lattes, reading novels.
How is it that there's a radio format for every slice of every genre except what's actually Good?
Posted by pk at July 9, 2003 06:02 PM
PK: In Boulder, Colorado, that staion is KBCO (I think it's online at www.kbco.com), and they call it "World Class Rock."
Posted by: Mikal B. at July 9, 2003 06:41 PM
What I'm wondering is if there's an "industry" name for it--and I know there has to be one.
Bloomington's 92.3 WTTS calls it Quality Rock with Real Variety, which sounds about as rock and roll as a grilled cheese sandwich. "Rest assured, college graduates, that you will find no hillbillies, horse-laughs, or hand-farts on ANY of our carefully selected musical offerings!"
It's advertising that promises what it shouldn't have to and actually makes you more leery, like "Fully Cooked Food with No Botulism!" or "Legal-Aged Girls with Valid ID's!"
Posted by: pk at July 9, 2003 09:26 PM
In answer to your final question, two words: Clear Channel. Radio hasn't been good for some time; who wants to listen to so many damn commercials? Having a ReplayTV makes me loath to expose myself to commercials in any form, and radio is particularly bad.. I'll take my iPod any day.
Posted by: brett at July 10, 2003 12:52 AM
Industry lingo format name: "Adult Album Alternative", aka"Triple A" aka "AAA" aka "A3"
For the record, we are one of the few independently owned, non-clear channel radio stations left in the country.
The presentation is pretty dry compared to most "MORNING ZOO!!!" type of stations because we try to limit the amount of b-s on the air and just play good music.
Check out our playlist on iTunes (Radio Charts/Indianapolis). It's not all hippie music. Thanks for listening!
Taulbee Jackson - Marketing Director
Posted by: Taulbee at May 14, 2004 05:05 PM