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October 25, 2002
Whaddya mean there aren't any more!?
Last night I wrapped up the third book in George R.R. Martin's outstanding "Song of Ice and Fire" cycle, A Storm of Swords. I got up this morning, fired up the "innurweb" (as Aaron likes to call it) and learned that a.) Mr. Martin sees the whole thing going two more volumes, at least and that b.) the fourth volume, A Feast for Crows isn't out until April of next year. Gack!
One thing that absolutely rocked about coming in on the Black Company stuff was that the whole series was done by the time I knew of it: easy to just go down to the book store and pick up the next in the series once or twice a week.
But as a big, fat, fwiw: if you like "fantasy," read Martin. I'm usually disappointed and pissed off with the gigantic "cycles" and "epics" polluting the shelves (yeah, yeah, you know), but I think Martin's on to something original and interesting. He kills characters you just don't expect, has some of the most sympathetic villains going (the Black Company lost that early on), and has some great back story stuff going on. I really like the world he's created and I'm jonesin' hard for the next book. Considering the mere $4 gap in price between the hard cover and trade paperback editions, I don't know if I'll be able to wait for the paperback version.
Posted by mph at October 25, 2002 12:18 AM