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January 29, 2003

Behind the Homefront

Behind the Homefront is a new 'blog by The Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press. It went into operation the same day as the Department of Homeland Security. They're still ironing out some details, but respond to polite suggestions in a friendly manner: permalinks are in the works, and they just added a new RSS feed for easy syndication.

The press release announcing the new blog pretty much summed up what it's about:

"We plan to focus on issues surrounding access to government information about the war on terrorism at home and abroad, [...] The weblog will cover information access and free press issues, but we don't plan to follow debates over many civil liberties issues that, while important, are outside of our principal areas of interest."

So it might seem nichey, but freedom of information and press access are key to which way a free society moves during times of crisis. I'm looking forward to seeing what they dig up.

Posted by mph at January 29, 2003 11:24 AM
