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June 23, 2003
Travel Advisory
Spent a pleasant evening in Newport, OR. Enjoyed a walk on the beach, a visit to the tidal pools at Yaquina Head, a walk down the Newport bayfront, and a visit to the most appalling cash grab ever: the Underwater Gardens, which consist of a very large tank someone filled with fish and concrete lawn ornaments left over from some dotty aunt's Classical Revival phase. Oh, there's a small "tidal pool" that periodically spits water over a few dispirited anenomes and a starfish that have been hassled and mauled by angry children whose parents are not going to be in the mood to buy them nautical-themed tchotchkes having been taken for a horrid ride. Avoid. Avoid avoid avoid.
The Oregon Coast Aquarium, which costs a few dollars more (I refuse to admit to how much I paid to get into the Undersea Gardens), but manages something a little better than "gigantic tank with concrete lawn ornaments," is much better.
Posted by mph at June 23, 2003 07:43 AM