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June 12, 2004

Cowgirls, Kerosene, Donations

It's "new look" day at Puddingtime. I'm still stomping some bugs, but thanks to gl and fellow pudding chef pk for catching some egregious ones.

The burning question's sort of "with can of kerosene" or without because we all know a naughty cowgirl is trouble, but a naughty cowgirl with a can of kerosene...

We're leaning to "without."

Also on matters blogging, and because MT3 is not a likely consideration in the near future:

I wrote Mie, who's been the friendly voice on the other end of the mail while I've been asking questions. The nut of my letter was this:

I went to the SixApart site this morning to see if there's any way I could donate an appropriate amount for my use of Movable Type to this point (I've been using it for a little under two years or so), but couldn't find information on how to do that. Is that no longer possible?

If not, I may end up buying a license, but that's the less preferable of the two options, because I'm very deeply concerned about the direction your company's taking and I'm more interested in squaring things for my previous use, not in voting with my dollars for your current direction.

Which is about where I'm at in a nutshell.

Mie replied with:

Actually, yes. We've discontinued the donation process. But we do appreciate your thoughts.

About our company's direction, yes, we are very aware of our stumbling and have been working hard these past few weeks summarizing the huge amount of email feedback we've been getting to figure out how to better respond to our users. We are planning to post a new pricing structure that is based on the feedback and we think will match most user's needs. To that end, I just wanted to say that we did stumble and are learning. We are a young company and still get surprised to look up and find more than a few of us working here.

So I guess I'm hoping you'll continue to observe and when we get it right, we'd love to have you back.

Past correspondence is over at the dev blog, which is going to sit for a while.

Posted by mph at June 12, 2004 11:20 AM
