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July 01, 2003
Muckrakers, we hardly knew ye.
Good piece by Eric Boehlert on Salon this morning, detailing the pro-Bush media tilt as it continues into another election year. Boehlert and the items he links to offer a neat compare/contrast of the 2000 media's manhandling of the straw man it made of Gore's supposed "exaggerations" and its currently delicate treatment of Bush's blustering distortions on Iraq's WMDs and the tax bill. Highlighted are examples of tough-on-Gore, soft-on-Bush pieces in the supposedly arch-liberal New York Times and Washington Post. Also put side-by-side are Tim Russert's 2000 pilgrimage to Austin to kiss Bush's ring and serve up a few meatballs, and his chest-thumping mano-a-mano with Howard Dean on "Meet the Press" last week.
I'd be sick of whining about this if conservatives didn't still complain with straight faces (actually, with pouting, tear-stained faces) that the media is against them. Speaking of which, Ann Coulter has yet to surface on "her" blog. The minute she does, I'm going to begin studiously ignoring it. Really.
UPDATE: The Washington Post's Richard Cohen on Coulter's new shitbag of insults, lies, distortions, groundless accusations, inanities, banalities, idiocy, and knee-slapping self-parody--I mean, "book."
Posted by pk at July 1, 2003 06:15 PM
Posted by: Lolita at October 11, 2003 06:08 AM