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July 05, 2003
Happy Indefensible Day
Maureen Farrell unlocks a veritable arsenal of smoking guns in a long piece bristling with excellent links at BuzzFlash.com: Intelligence President Bush ignored in the weeks and months before September 11; President Bush's cronies' profiteering in two wars (and counting); President Bush's disingenuous and often false arguments for war in Iraq; President Bush's efforts to hamstring the investigation into the failures that allowed the 9/11 attacks even as he fuels and capitalizes on the resulting fear and patriotism for his own political ends ... and the confounding public complacence and apathy that continues to reel out the rope for President Bush to hang us all with.
You may know much of this already, but it's an excellent one-stop resource if you're looking to create a dossier, maybe some hard data to take along to the family picnic and whip out when you're struck dumb by Uncle Ron's empty-headed American chauvinism. President Bush doesn't serve you, me, or Uncle Ron, and self-satisfied armchair hawks who gloat over his feckless, tough-guy one-liners had best wake up. The greatest irony of President Bush's administration is that he is betraying most grievously those whose trust and patriotism are his sole source of political capital. (AFTERTHOUGHT: Financial capital is, of course, something else entirely--the straw that stirs the drink in this chapter of history.)
Posted by pk at July 5, 2003 05:27 PM
It is possible to have been against the war, and still think there is much about this country that is defensible.
Posted by: brett at July 6, 2003 03:06 AM
I used the word "indefensible" in reference to the president's actions, not to the country. I'm sorry if that was unclear.
Posted by: pk at July 7, 2003 04:49 PM