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July 09, 2003

well, this is interesting


POSTED 7/9: Make what you will of this, but Capitol Hill Blue has an on-the-record quote and a name:

An intelligence consultant who was present at two White House briefings where the uranium report was discussed confirmed that the President was told the intelligence was questionable and that his national security advisors urged him not to include the claim in his State of the Union address.

"The report had already been discredited," said Terrance J. Wilkinson, a CIA advisor present at two White House briefings. "This point was clearly made when the President was in the room during at least two of the briefings."

Bush's response was anger, Wilkinson said.

"He said that if the current operatives working for the CIA couldn't prove the story was true, then the agency had better find some who could," Wilkinson said. "He said he knew the story was true and so would the world after American troops secured the country."

Thanks to Bob Harris at This Modern World.

UPDATE, 7/10: The above quotes can now be attributed to Keyser Soze of Vandalay Industries. Doug Thompson, publisher of Capitol Hill Blue (which I'd never even heard of before yesterday), has apparently been scammed for the better part of 20 years by this "Terrance J. Wilkinson," who chose this moment to go on the record--and then vanish. Unless Mr. Thompson is scamming us. Either way, I sure am glad I put a modest qualifier at the top of the post. You did see that I qualified it, right?

"Bobby, it's not nice to tease your brother. You know how much he wanted that pony."

Thanks to alert reader Brett for the tip, though I'm sure I'd have found this top-of-desk over at This Modern World soon enough.

Posted by pk at July 9, 2003 10:37 PM


check it out:



Posted by: brett at July 10, 2003 04:17 AM

I can't take credit, got it from the InstaMan..

Posted by: brett at July 11, 2003 06:33 AM


Posted by: Lolita at October 11, 2003 06:08 AM