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January 26, 2003

Mozilla and RSS

Over on Surfin' Safari, Dave Hyatt asks:

"Do news readers like NetNewsWire and Feedreader contain functionality that should be absorbed into browser applications like Safari, Chimera or OmniWeb? Or is the opposite true? Should some minimal browser functionality be incorporated into NetNewsWire?"

I never quite understood why Mozilla didn't just handle RSS subscriptions in the sidebar (or maybe it does, and I'm not seeing it), but Corvar at theonering.net implemented something that handles what Dave's asking for in Mozilla. You feed it an RDF, it turns that into a Mozilla sidebar tab. Simple enough, and people have been doing this for at least a year or two, if memory serves.

I will, of course, give up NetNewsWire when they pry it from my cold, dead, hands. And use Mozilla when they weld it to my clinched, struggling fists.

Posted by mph at January 26, 2003 09:03 PM
