December 14, 2002


I've mentioned volcanic bombs several times. A bomb, as pictured here, is a slug of hot lava spewed from the volcano which cools in the air. Some bombs are obviously streamlined, from cooling in flight. At Erebus, the bombs expand while they cool, sometimes forming a hollow center. The inner rock is highly vesicular (bubbly) to the point of looking spider-webby, with progressively more solid rock towards the outside. Also, amazingly, though the rock looks solid, and contains big crystals like the lava flows, it is very easily stabbed with the tip of an ice axe--it's more the softness of pumice, for those of you familiar with pumice.

Unfortunately, there's no scale on this shot. The bomb is probably about two feet tall. Some of them are up to six feet long, and flatened like a pancake.

Posted by beth at December 14, 2002 11:03 AM | TrackBack

Seeing as I don't think I'd like being hit with a 2-6 foot chunk of pumice, I don't think I'd enjoy getting hit by one of these things, just shot out of a volcano. Scary, yet, very cool at the exact same time.

Posted by: Steve on December 16, 2002 05:26 PM

Sharing is caring! as a budding antarctic euthusiast (and continual bartel enthusiast) I thought I'd share this lead: go to and search for "antarctic" It's loads of fun! Speaking of fun, it's been two whole days, Beth! What's new??

Posted by: billmill on December 17, 2002 03:12 PM

hi from Danas Xino cool amazing page

Posted by: Making money from home pc on April 7, 2004 10:31 PM
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