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April 3, 2003
Updated: English Al Jazeera Is Back, But Akamai Pulls the Plug
The English Al Jazeera web site seems to be well and truly back online. Right in the wake of the network's decision to pull its reporters out of Iraq, unfortunately.
Update: TV Barn denounces Akamai for its decision to drop a contract with Al Jazeera. (Non-tech people note: Akamai provides services to Internet companies that help them deal with high traffic demands and could, in the case of Al Jazeera, take some of the strain off of its servers, which are under prolonged denial of services attacks). The NYT quotes English Al Jazeera's Managing Editor, who says the decision was politically motivated.
It's good that al-Jazerra in English is back, but if I remember correctly, Bagdhad threw the network out of Iraq. Of course it hardly mattered, after the U.S. hackers interfered with the news in English. Now, that a-J is back, let's have some news!
Posted by: Anonymous at April 14, 2003 5:02 PM
Another comment: Who is Akama? Can't al-Jazeera either negotiate with them or operate independently?
Posted by: Anonymous at April 14, 2003 5:04 PM