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May 5, 2003
Your Mark of Quality
The logo that almost was:
I like this one! However, the name somewhat obscures that it's a steam whistle (and it needs the exclamation mark). But I like the idea of a big, loud whistle telling me: It's Pudding Time!
Posted by: pk at May 5, 2003 2:09 PM
Y'know... I liked the whistle, too, but I chased some ideas that used it down the wrong path (like the idea I posted), and never retraced back long enough to incorporate it into a better idea. So I put it back in the current general design and it seems to work. And wouldn't everyone look forward to 2:15 if it meant the puddin' whistle was about to blow?
Posted by: mph at May 5, 2003 3:03 PM
I know I sure would. This looks swell.
Posted by: pk at May 6, 2003 8:31 AM