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July 22, 2003
Pass the Decon Gel
Here's a scene from an upcoming episode of Star Trek prequel series "Enterprise":
"The bazaar is filled with an assortment of weird and wonderful creatures, including one alien which speaks with bubbles, instead of words, a different tone emanating from each bubble as it pops; another huge alien appears to be imposing until she speaks in a meek, feminine voice. And this is all before the away team passes a shop with body parts hanging in the window."
Far out! Y'mean . . . the alien's really big, but it has a woman's voice!? Nutty!
Hopefully this way-kooky bazaar scene will be followed up with a liberal slathering of decon gel in the skivvies-only blue-lit pr0n decon chamber.
"Star Trek" has been good to me over the years, but I think it's time to let this particular cat go behind the neighbors' wood pile and do what cats do when they know it's their time.
The bubble-speaking alien reminds me of a bit from one of my favorite Garrision Keillor monologues: it has become so cold in Lake Wobegon that when people speak, their words freeze and tinkle to the ground as little grey chunks of ice. Then the person who wants to hear what might have been said has to take the grey ice into the house and thaw it to hear "So, how's it goin'?"
As for Star Trek: Rick Berman sucks.
Posted by: J.D. at July 25, 2003 4:27 PM