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July 18, 2003
Wallpaper for my head
Took Windows XP back into the home for some work, and that meant Acid Music came back, too, which means a revival of my sonic wallpaper project from last summer (funny, Al's away again this week, too). Here's one minute of this year's "minute after minute of noise that won't distract Michael" (with some problematic joins left unsanded):
thursdays_wallpaper.mp3 (>1mb)
Might as well toss out the longer one (now with flute solo!):
thursdays_wallpaper_long.mp3 (~2mb)
And while we're at it, here are the loops and the Acid project file for the whole thing (remixes and changes always welcome): (it's about 11MB: please don't download it unless you've got Acid Music and want to get at the loops and project file for purposes besides seeing how fast I can send you 11MB over this connection.)
That's pretty nice.
It almost makes up for that revolting link you posted on Wednesday.
Posted by: Cristina at July 18, 2003 7:52 PM