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July 23, 2003

What About "Support the Spooks"?

Posted by Mike on July 23, 2003 5:53 PM

I'm not of a mind to debate the Yellowcakegate issue much if only because I thought even the neocon war cheerleaders had already slid into "it wasn't ever really about weapons of mass destruction, it was about FREEDOM" equivocating months ago. If the collective memory hole has enough room to fit the displacement of "facts" and rhetoric that change in tack requires, then God help us all and please, by all means, get back to your shopping.

A sidenote story from that affair, though, is threatening to get my dander up. As documented by The Nation's David Corn and now by Newsday, "senior administration officials" leaked the name of an undercover CIA operative to get even with her husband, who represents an embarrassment to the administration thanks to his contribution to discrediting the President's "sixteen little words" on Niger. (Claire at "What If?" has a few followup commentary links.)

It's good to read that an investigation may soon be underway. Whoever the feckless little bureaucratic thugs behind the whole thing were, I hope they're found out and hung high. If Ann Coulter, Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Reynolds felt like saying anything on the whole matter, I'm sure they would, too.


It is disgraceful.. This is what happens when political attack dogs get their dander up. (Mixed metaphor alert.) Bush ought to fire those responsible. The whole argument is such a waste of people's time and energy. Time to move on.

Posted by: brett at July 23, 2003 11:14 PM