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August 20, 2003

Book Sell-off

Posted by Mike on August 20, 2003 7:51 PM

Somehow this got set to "draft" so I'm nudging it back to the top. -mph

It's getting time to make some room in the pad. Inside is a list of technical books I'm willing to part with. Some are review copies, some were purchased for quick homework sessions before doing an article, and some were areas of interest for a brief while.

Terms: check out the list, let me know which ones interest you, and I'll give you a figure for shipping. Yep, some of them aren't worth much; yep, some of them are worth more; yep, the edition matters, so write about the ones you'd like to check.

If nothing else, it's a chance to pad out your collection of ORA animal books so you can look more 'l33t the next time Slashdot has an O'Reilly poll.

Oh, one more "yep": I could probably auction some of these off, but I don't feel like dealing with that quite yet. This is just a "friends and family" sort of deal.

Update: an item with a strikethrough has been claimed.

  • Learning Perl
  • Learning Python
  • Learning XML
  • Managing NFS/NIS
  • Programming Web Graphics with Perl and GNU Software
  • sed & awk
  • Stopping Spam
  • Using Samba
  • Web Client Programming With Perl
  • Windows 98 in a Nutshell
  • Windows 98 Nuisances
Other Publishers: (title - publisher)
Advanced Linux Networking Addison Wesley
An Embedded Software Primer Addison Wesley
Beginning Perl Wrox
Beginning PHP4 Wrox
Beginning XML Wrox
Beyond Software Architecture Addison Wesley
Blender Book LJ Press
Building Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls Wiley
Core PHP Programming Prentice Hall
Embedded Linux: Hdwr/Sftwr/Interface Addison Wesley
Perl Programmer Interactive Workshop Prentice Hall
Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours SAMS
The LaTeX Companion Addison Wesley
The LaTeX Web Companion Addison Wesley
VBScript Programmer's Reference Wrox
XML Processing with Python Prentice Hall


Speaking of books, I ordered the second to last copy of your book from Amazon today. I was wondering if you could sign it for my friend, George. He's a big fan of Pudding. (Hello, Georgie). Is that something that could be arranged?

Posted by: Cristina at August 20, 2003 9:57 PM

Always happy to sign a book. The contact info at provides a mailing address. Just enclose a note with the name and any other particulars.

Posted by: mph at August 21, 2003 4:09 PM