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January 26, 2004
All Ben, All the Time
There's a much more involved tale to tell at some point in the next few days, but for now the short and sweet is that Al and Ben will be coming home tomorrow morning. They're both doing great, and the time we've spent in the hospital has been really useful. We both feel very lucky to have the nurses and doctors we have.

I'm putting together a gallery of pictures as I slip home to pick up this and that or tend to the cats.
They say good things come in small packages, my nephew is a big package and is better than good!
So happy he is here!
Posted by: Aunt Jennifer at January 26, 2004 6:40 PM
Wow. He looks really alert for a newborn. Kind of suspicious, too. :)
Posted by: nate at January 26, 2004 6:47 PM
Congratulations, man! I'm glad everyone is healthy.
Posted by: Sam at January 27, 2004 5:03 AM
Congrats Sis and Brother In Law! He's a keeper!
Posted by: TT (aka Auntie Julie) at January 28, 2004 3:03 PM