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February 14, 2004

Peeking Through Other Peoples' Windows

Posted by Mike on February 14, 2004 4:56 PM

I was looking on Google for information about swaddling a baby, perhaps with too general a query, since one of the top hits involved this excerpt:

"... I rolled around ecstatically on my bed, luxuriating in the sticky plastic swaddling my body and the tightness of my ropes. ... My hogtie was just too tight. ... "

I don't think "sticky" was one of Dr. Karp's "Five S's."

We've been getting more and more of these looks from the little dude lately. We've taken to calling them "proto-smiles," since they aren't in reaction to much we can discern outside, perhaps, "all is right in the world." And I'm trying not to pay attention to milestones ahead of their arrival. I suspect we'll know the first "social smile" when we see it.