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March 21, 2004
Saruman Vows Revenge on Israel
Hmmm... Curumo, Curunír, Sharkey, yes, but I don't think Saruman went by the name "Yassin," so I'm assuming he's one of the people in the group vowing revenge:

See? The purists were right when they said Peter Jackson didn't wrap that character up very well.
Saruman! If this wasn't a tragedy it would be hilarious. Having been inspired by the movie I went back to the book and read Return... There are several interesting scenes at the end of the book that didn't make it into the movie. There's the scene in which Saruman scorns the grace and forgiveness of the returning fellowship. A sad depiction of hatred, spite and unforgiveness... a spirit that is seen in abundance in the "Holy Land".
Posted by: thp at March 23, 2004 9:38 PM
Probably not the best joke to make, but my joke reflex got ahead of my better reflexes. Plus I honestly thought that was a Christopher Lee mugshot for a second: Google News has made sillier mistakes. Taking it down, though, would have been like not owning the mistake.
The omission of "The Scouring of the Shire" really hurt. I know they couldn't have included it very easily, the same way they couldn't include Tom Bombadil from "Fellowship of the Ring," but that chapter really meant a lot. The martial brutality of the last volume makes it easy to overlook pettier but just as hurtful evil.
Posted by: mph at March 23, 2004 9:47 PM