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April 20, 2004
Mix With GNU Screen, Serve
Wow: Snownews is what appears to be a fairly useful RSS reader for consoles.
- It includes an OPML conversion script so you can take a blogroll from some other RSS reader and convert it into something Snownews can use
- It has a semi-decent built-in reader and allows for the user to customize the browser used to read full entries (yay, links!)
- It has completely customizable keybindings.
- It allows the user to filter the feed display by multiple categories.
- Exposes the URL of the item, so if you've got a smart terminal (like gnome-terminal or OS X's Term app), it's easy to get at the item with a browser besides links.
The bad:
- Sort-of slow updating.
- You'll want to customize those keybindings ASAP
- Periodically hangs on a feed (scan of the manpage shows that "z" snaps it out of bad feed hypnosis).
Later: Tinfoil hat-wearer alert: It phones home at exit to make sure the version you're running is the latest. You can disable this. It's too late for me. I'll just sit here and wait for the goons from the Dept. of Homeland Security to come pick me up for reading bad things.
Later still: The precompiled version will appear to run under Woody but it segfaults shortly after updating everything. Just build it.