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July 20, 2004
Workflow Wiki
Thanks to some chatting with gl. last night, I settled on a wiki for my workflow obsessions (instead of the short-lived flooooow 'blog).
There are some good reasons for that:
- Blogs are chronological. I could mash and mangle with fancy keyword stuff, but we're on a "no messing with MT" kick right now. I like looking in the plugin directory and only seeing two.
- Wikis, by contrast, are non-chronological and webby, so things can be linked to each other easily.
- Wikis are groupier, so I don't have to preside over the whole "giver of accounts" thing.
- Wikis are friendlier to dynamic content.
Folks who mind sites via RSS will find the recent updates feed useful for tracking changes and additions.
Participants are welcome. I've tried to set up a basic structure on the front page. There's a little "sign in" box down there in the lower right corner, where you can sign in before participating, preferably using WikiCase for your name, like "JoeSmith" or "JaneDoe".